Aware that there are many people who have doubts about CUCA BIKE , and it is not very clear to them if it is a bicycle, a motorcycle or a scooter, we have decided to try to solve them in a brief and concise way, so that you know for sure what you are buying and what not. Let's start!
What is CUCA BIKE?
As established by the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), CUCA BIKE is an EPAC bicycle ( Electronically Power Assisted Cycles ), which is the name given to all those bicycles with pedal assistance.
So, although at first glance it may seem similar to a motorcycle or a moped, CUCA BIKE is a BIKE and, if someone is still convinced otherwise, you can invite them to read the press release that the DGT has issued about EPAC bikes , where they will clarify all the doubts they may have. Or so we hope. In addition to that, CUCA has its own European homologation certificate for driving on public roads.
What is an EPAC bike?
As defined in Regulation (EU) No 168/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council , EPAC bicycles will be considered all those pedal-assisted pedal bikes that have an auxiliary electric motor, whose maximum continuous nominal power is equal to or less than 250W , gradually decreasing and stopping before reaching 25 km/h speed, or if the cyclist stops pedaling.
That is, bicycles like CUCA BIKE, which meets all the requirements to be an EPAC bicycle:
48V 250W motor
25km/h maximum speed
pedaling assistance
Starting assist mode
What does pedal assist and kick start mean?
On a pedal-assist bike, the motor automatically engages as you pedal, allowing you to push effortlessly up to a top speed of 25 km/h . It works in the same way as a conventional bicycle, with the particularity that the effort when pedaling will be much less.
On the other hand, starting assistance consists in the fact that the bike reaches a maximum speed of up to 6 km/h by voluntary action and, maintained by the user when driving without pedaling. This is indicated by the regulations for cycles with electrical assistance; EPAC bicycles (EN 15194 2018; paragraph 4.2.12 “Starting assistance mode”. )
Do I need a license, insurance and/or registration to ride with CUCA BIKE?
As it is an EPAC bicycle, you do NOT need a license or registration or insurance to ride your CUCA BIKE on public roads.
And because ? This is because EPAC bicycles are not included in the category L1e vehicle classification, which includes those light two-wheeled motor vehicles that do require registration, insurance and a driving license for their circulation, in addition to complying with the rest of the obligations of the legal system, such as ITV, use of a safety helmet, etc...
You already know, even if they tell you otherwise, CUCA BIKE is a BICYCLE and for its use on public roads you do not need a license plate, or compulsory insurance, or a driver's license. Get a CUCA BIKE NOW and join the change . ! Enjoy electric mobility